Don't Panic

5th Apr 2022

Don't Panic

DON’T PANIC -By Cloudy Shaman-

Yes, this is from ‘The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’. You know that old movie where only 1 human is rescued from the destruction of the earth.

Well, this may not be the destruction of the earth but about the destruction that the FDA is doing to the vaping universe.

If you don’t already know, the Federal Government gave FDA the power to regulate vaping, all of vaping. This includes but not limited to zero nicotine juice, mods, pods, coils, batteries, even the software. This herald the end of vaping as we knew it. However, when a laboratory was able to make nicotine synthetically, that opened the door to keep most vaping products and in-house juice being made and sold. This left the FDA in the dust. Or the vape world thought it would work because the law required a tobacco product to be derived from tobacco. Synthetic nicotine, since it was not from tobacco, allowed manufactures of vape products to continue. All a vape company’s products that had once been denied by FDA, could now continue without being pulled from the market.

BUT (knew that was coming), the last budget bill passed into law (March 2022) had a vape rider introduced by the Representative from Illinois and signed by the President. This rider added synthetic nicotine to the FDA regulations. This requires all vape final and completed products to undergo the PMTA process. This process is time intensive, extremely costly, and no guarantee of approval. This has caused many vape manufactures, suppliers, and retailers to close. FDA uses the ATF to enforce this policy. This isn’t a joke. The FDA has already caused the closing of many operating in the vape universe. The ATF has already rated many stores and manufactures because of this PMTA that came about by the Deeming Rule. If you want more details, we added links to the bottom.

Since synthetic nicotine is under FDA now, several vape related products and businesses who used synthetic nicotine to continue to operate, now must go through the PMTA process or shut down (usually forced to shut down). The FDA has opened a very short window for those who changed their products to synthetic nicotine to file and begin the PMTA process. This starts now (4-1-2022). Those vendors have till 4-14-2022 to get their ducks in a row (required documents gathering). Then from 4-14-2022 to 5-14-2022, those companies must file their documents for PMTA. On 7-13-2022, if the vape products have not been filed or approved, then they become illegal and must be removed from the market. This will be enforced by the ATF.

Also, it has been already signaled by the FDA, if a vape company’s vape products had already been denied before the switch to synthetic nicotine and that was the only change, then the chances of those items being denied again are almost at 100%.

What does this mean to YOU? This means that the vape products you rely on to keep you from smoking are highly likely to be removed from the market. The FDA had already denied millions of PMTA’s and many who DIY, have been slowly discovering this fact, because some of the big players in the vape market have already closed. Since they could not afford the FDA PMTA process or were denied and forced to close. There are several lawsuits in the works. However, there is as of right now hope but no relief yet.

DON’T PANIC– Just like in Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, you may be looking up at this thinking the FDA and the ATF are the horrible big aliens about to blow-up your world. You don’t want to go back to smoking. Vaping helped you to be free from all of that. That it’s the end of the world….” what am I going to do for my vaping needs?”

Here at Vapor E-Cigarette, we got your back. Vapor E-cigarette is here for you. We have been and currently are working toward solutions for our customers and all vapers with our close relationships with regulators and vape distributors & manufactures. We are going to do whatever needs done to be done to have the vaping products you have come to depend upon. In the future, as the laws change, we will adapt to these changes to keep going. Now, some vape products may not be packaged the same way or have the large amount to choose from, the fallout has yet to be realized, BUT WE ARE HERE FOR YOU! There will be changes, but these changes will allow Vapor E-cigarette to still serve you. Vaper E-cigarette is on top of this ever-changing situation. We are working for you to keep vaping legal and YOUR choice. We will have more information for you as the situation evolves. Stay Tuned and Stay Cloudy.

Links to more information:

What Does the Synthetic Nicotine Law Mean for Vapers? What Does the Synthetic Nicotine Law Mean for Vapers? - Vaping360

FDA Receives Authorization to Regulate Synthetic Nicotine: FDA to Regulate Synthetic Nicotine (

What is the FDA, PMTA, and the Deeming rule: The Deeming Rule: A Brief History of FDA Vaping Regulations - Vaping360

The Federal Register: Federal Register :: Deeming Tobacco Products To Be Subject to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, as Amended by the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act; Restrictions on the Sale and Distribution of Tobacco Products and Required Warning Statements for Tobacco Products

Federal Register :: Premarket Tobacco Product Applications and Recordkeeping Requirements

Reason: Fifth Circuit Rebukes FDA for Regulatory "Switcheroo" in Denying Vaping Product Applications (


FDA Marking Denials:

FDA Issues Decisions on Additional E-Cigarette Products | FDA

Premarket Tobacco Product Marketing Granted Orders | FDA

FDA Rescinds Marketing Denial Order for Humble's Flavored E-liquids (